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"Meditation is not about what is happening. It's about how we are relating to what is happening."

- Sharon Salzberg



Meditation has been shown to decrease stress, worry, anxiety, and depression, while cultivating strong mental clarity and focus. 


Not only does meditation decrease physical tension, pain & inflammation, it also promotes the natural healing process.


Meditation cultivates  neutrality, non-reactivity, and compassionate awareness, allowing for strong emotion regulation.


Meditation brings peace, joy, love, freedom, and a heightened awareness that connects us to something larger than ourselves.

Meditation is an ancient wisdom and evidence-based tool that anybody and everybody can access. On an individual level, meditation has been scientifically shown to produce various mind, body, emotional, and spiritual benefits. On a collective level, meditation allows for unique and powerful experiences that's interlinked to a group's energy and intention. 


Whether you’re looking for a one-off gathering or a weekly series, organizational purposes or an intimate private group, TLP can design a sacred meditation circle with your collective heart's intention as our utmost priority! 

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